Price-performance winner smart socket
Smart plugs are currently a very popular product because of the high energy prices. And that is why they have been scrutinized by CHIP. If you are looking for a smart plug with an attractive price and good performance, the WIFIP121FWT is the best option. This smart plug is the price-performance winner in the smart plug category. The plug gets a very nice rating in the CHIP test center test.
The Smart plug test
The CHIP test center (Germany's largest consumer portal) has subjected twenty different smart wireless plugs to a test procedure. They have tested the devices in different price ranges and from different manufacturers and presented them in a list with their findings. On this list of results, the WIFIP121FWT has been rated with a good score of 2.0 and has been selected as the price-performance winner. The lower the number, the better the score.
Test results:
The assessment consists of three subcategories with different weightings and a price category.
• Measurement accuracy (30%): very good
• Operation (35%): very good
• Equipment (35%): Satisfactory